The following policies can be viewed here:
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Admissions Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour
- Caring and Anti-Bullying Policy
- Complaints Procedure
- EAL Policy
- EYFS Policy – currently under review
- Extreme Weather
- Fire Risk Assessment
- First Aid Policy
- First Aiders
- Guide to RHE at Hopelands
- Health and Safety Policy
- Missing Child
- Online Safety
- Parent and Staff Communications
- Pupil and Parent Data Policy
- Rewards and Sanctions
- RHE Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- SEN Policy
- Staff Behaviour and Code of Conduct
- Suspension & Exclusions
- Taking Storing and Using Images of Children Policy
- Uniform
The following policies and information are available on request:
- Curriculum Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- How the EYFS is being provided in the setting (including any alternative provision in the case of exemptions)
- How parents and carers can access more information about the EYFS
- The range and type of activities and experiences provided for children
- The daily routines of the setting
- How parents and carers can share learning at home
- How the setting supports children with SEN or disabilities
- Food and drinks provided for children
- Details of policies and procedures (copies must be made available on request) including the procedure in the event that a parent/carer fails to collect a child and the procedure for dealing with the circumstance of a child going missing at, or away from, the setting
- Staffing in the setting
- The name and role of the child’s key person and their role
- An emergency contact number for parents to use
Early Help
At Hopelands School, whenever possible, we will ensure that early intervention is actioned via a referral to The Early Help Partnership as soon as the criteria are met, to prevent situations to escalate into larger problems.
The Multi Agency Child Neglect Toolkit for Gloucestershire (April 2017) http://www.gscb.org.uk/media/15291/gloucestershire-child-neglect-toolkit-270417-final-vs.pdf supports schools and other agencies about the suitable action to take when a child has been identified as making inadequate progress or having an unmet need.
Therefore the school will consider the following:
- Undertake an assessment of the need for early help;
- Provide early help services e.g. pastoral worker, SENCO
- Refer to appropriate services e.g. CAHMS
The Early Help Partnership can be contacted at stroudearlyhelp@gloucestershire.gov.uk or on 01452 328130