Hopelands Preparatory School is a member of the Independent Schools Association (ISA) which was founded in 1879. It is one of the oldest of the independent schools’ organisations and is federated to the Independent Schools Council. The ISA supports member Head teachers and offers a wide range of sporting and cultural activities to pupils in over 300 schools.
Annual art competitions, drama festivals and essay competitions are arranged for each age-group. Local and national ISA fixtures are arranged for athletics, cross-country, gymnastics, hockey, netball, rugby, football and swimming. These competitions are arranged by area representatives for sports and for arts competitions, culminating in ISA national competitions.
For more information please visit these websites:

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) inspect all independent schools. Our most recent inspection was in October 2021. Highlights of the report are:
- ‘Pupils are self-confident and reflective learners, often showing resilience when completing challenging tasks’
- ‘Pupils, including those with SEND, make good progress over time’
- ‘Pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding are good, successfully developed because of leaders’ provision of a varied and stimulating curriculum’
- ‘Pupils are articulate and confident speakers, listen well in lessons and demonstrate a wide range of interests’
- ‘Pupils grasp willingly the opportunities they have to influence decision making in the school’
- ‘Pupils’ social development and collaboration are excellent’
- ‘Some of the most able pupils achieve highly’
- ‘Older pupils fulfil their responsibilities to care for the younger children in the EYFS with deep conviction as a result of the embedded culture that pervades the school community and is successfully promoted by school leaders’
- ‘Pupils have a deep respect for diversity of society and their cultural understanding is good’
- ‘The school is successful in fulfilling its aims to create a nurturing, supportive environment where many pupils are enabled to achieve their potential'
The full Inspection Report, dated December 2024, is available here.
The Progress Monitoring Report, dated April 2022, is available here.
The full Inspection Report, dated October 2021, is available to download here.
The Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report, dated June 2017, is available to download here.