Additional info
School Day
The school day runs from 8.30am - 3.45pm
School care and extra-curricular activities are available every day. An extra-curricular activity booking form is sent out to all parents at the end of every term. School care does not need to be booked in advance, if parents are unable to collect/drop off their child inside normal school hours (8.30am – 3.45pm), the child will automatically be entered into the school care register and parents will be billed accordingly.
The school hires the use of Stonehouse Community Centre car park in Laburnum Walk for parents to park in and pick up/drop off their children. Parking on the side of the road in Regent Street is not advised and may incur parking fines.
Beginning of the school day
Parents are asked to drop their children off at either the Nursery School to attend morning school care if they arrive before 8.30am or to stay with their children in the playground until 8.30am.
For safety purposes, any children on the school’s premises before this time must either be supervised by their parent/guardian or be entered for morning school care. The school cannot be held responsible for any children on the school’s property outside morning school care before 8.30am.
Pupil Code of Conduct
1. Be a good ambassador at all times for our school community.
2. Always listen to, and try to understand, other people’s point of view.
3. Try to be aware of the needs of everyone in our school.
4. Speak politely to everyone and show respect.
5. Aim for high standards in your work, organisation and personal appearance.
6. Move considerately and quietly around the school.
7. Take pride in our school.
8. Always follow instructions.