Grammar entrance success at Hopelands Prep
We're celebrating another successful year for our Year 6 leavers with a success rate of 71% gaining their place at grammar school. In September, Hopelands pupils will be taking their next steps at grammar schools including Marling, Stroud High, Denmark Road, The Crypt and Sir Thomas Rich’s.
In fact, over the past 5 years, an average of 80% of our leavers have gone on to grammar schools, with another 15% to private senior schools and 10% to comprehensives.
Hopelands Prep is a fantastic small, independent school in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, for children aged 3-11. Our engaging curriculum makes school an exciting place to be, while small class sizes ensure every child has an opportunity to thrive and achieve amazing things.
Our Year 6s talk about their experiences at the 11+
What makes Hopelands so successful at preparing for the 11+?
When parents ask us this, they are normally interested in the dedicated grammar school exam preparation we provide. While these sessions are very effective, they are actually the final step in a process that starts in Reception. From day one, our children are supported, enthused and challenged. We are a small school, and the combination of small class sizes and outstanding teachers allows us to provide the personalised, tailored education which results not only in growing knowledge, skills and understanding, but also in increased self confidence, curiosity and independence.
Which is exactly where they need to be to get the best out of our 11+ programme. From the beginning of Year 5, our pupils have dedicated time each week in which we focus on senior entrance exam techniques. In these sessions, our pupils get to grips with Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, trying out problems, taking past papers, getting a sense of what it feels like to sit a formal exam. The other part of this programme is to make sure the children know that their future happiness doesn't hang on one successful exam result. Balancing the academic support are enrichment sessions, in subjects such as First Aid and Storytelling, keeps them grounded and aware of all the other amazing things life has to offer.
Ultimately, our aim is to ensure that our children are confident and relaxed, and ready to take the next steps with enthusiasm wherever they end up.