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Bursaries and Public Benefits

The school is registered as a Charity (Registered Charity Number 1007707) and so is established to provide public benefit. We firmly believe that families should not be restricted by their financial circumstances and that a child’s attendance at the School should be an option for all. The School offers a limited number of means tested assisted places, to a maximum of 50% of the educational fees.

The result of a means test will determine the level of assistance available to a family. All bursaries are awarded for one year after which a family will be invited to reapply for a bursary each year. The award offered may be varied depending on the changing circumstances of the family and the number of bursaries being sought in the year.

For further information please contact the School Business Manager, Mrs Sam Compton, on 01453 822164 or email scompton@hopelands.org.uk.

Sheila Bradburn